
Showing posts with the label Health

Mental Health Wellness Tips

I've struggled with psychological state. The medication I take helps most of the time.... But generally once i am stressed or overworked, my symptoms advance on ME and that i got to work extremely onerous to get them in restraint once more. But over the years, I've learned many ways that have helped ME modify my symptoms before they become an enormous drawback. These tips have extremely helped ME keep healthy and positive. First, I attempt to concentrate on the positive things in my life. I think concerning the family, friends, and treatment team members supporting ME in my recovery journey. I know they're there to assist ME notice solutions. If I come back up with solutions instead of simply specializing in the negatives, I notice I feel far better. And each day, I deliberately take time to understand and acknowledge everything i'm grateful for. I'll write in my journal, send my friends many thanks cards, or facilitate others. When I concentrate on all th

Mental Health Myths

My friend continues to cancel our weekend plans because she says she isn't within the mood..... I don't perceive why she cannot simply snap out of it. I would like I might facilitate her. I miss my friend. I worry that my girl won't be able to get an honest job because of her psychological state condition. These area unit a number of the common myths people believe regarding psychological state. However, having a more robust understanding of the reality can assist you perceive what your friends or loved ones area unit probing. Myth: folks with psychological state issues area unit dangerous. Fact: folks with psychological state conditions and no a lot of probably to be violent than anyone else. In fact, solely 3-5% of violent acts can be attributed to people living with a heavy psychological state condition. People with a heavy psychological state designation are actually ten times a lot of probably to be the vic

What are the characteristics of a mentally healthy person?

Dr. Maxwell Maltz discovered that it takes 21 days for a habit to form no matter how fast you want results to come your brain will not cooperate Don't resist the tides instead learn to love the process welcome failure and bad days and establish a healthy relationship with the change sick and tired of your bad habits.   Here are  Some healthy behaviors:  It has to say hi to your new best friend in the kitchen I didn't learn how to fully cook until I moved out with affordable fast food joints and restaurants everywhere we might be tempted to empty our pockets for that daily quick bite on the go.  But you're actually hurting your savings in the long run, yeah research will be required on your end.  You'll have to budget accordingly when you go grocery shopping but welcome to adulthood to make this experience less intimidating feel free to ask friends and family for recipe ideas and invite them to walk through the store aisles with you or have cookin

6 Big Misconceptions about Mental Illness You Can Relate to

Who comes together every day with one goal in mind we want to make psychology come alive for you.  All the cool rewards you can get from us we hope you enjoy this article people are often afraid of seeking treatment for their symptoms of mental health problems.  Because they worry about how the rest of the world will perceive them well my boss rethink his decision of promoting me.  Will I be a burden to my girlfriend all of my family and friends think of me these are all common questions that people fear as a result of seeking professional. 6 misleading conceptions about mental illness:  Number One:  You're either mentally ill or mentally healthy adapting this black or white mindset is what creates stigmas around mental illness in the first place.  It is popularly believed that as long as there is no family history of mental illness then the individual is healthy and safe.  But the biological factor only plays one role in external factors such as the environme

10 signs of self-sabotage in relationships

We all love succeeding and wish to live rich happy lives, but it seems that at almost every corner there's always someone trying to pull us down or make us feel bad What if we were to embrace the concept? For a moment we are the ones who are getting in our own way of reaching our goals. The truth is you have so much more power over your life than you may be give yourself credit for if you don't think so, you might want to consider these ten signs. One, you struggle with impostor syndrome in 1978 psychologist Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Ames. Identified the behavioral pattern of believing that one has only stumbled into success and hasn't actually earned any of their achievements as impostor syndrome do you often feel that even though you got a perfect score on your test got hired for the job you applied for? Two, If you constantly think you're just getting lucky you might be suffering from impostor syndrome - you're overly self-critical. Are you always putting

5 Do's and Dont's of Dealing with Other's Mental Illness

Five tips for teaching someone with a mental illness based on an article from issue two of our magazine. One of the great factors in whether those who are mentally ill will open up to a person about their feelings is: What is the reaction of a person? When someone in our life is ill. Now, these five tips should help assure that you liked and open up more to yourself. Tip one:  Don't allow your negative feelings to be visible Like I said, it can be frustrating trying to help someone who's ill. You might feel anger, sadness, or even enjoyment when trying to help. Don't note that your loved one responds in a way you don't like, and don't talk to them as if they are stupid. Keep in mind, that if they could act healthy they would and if you show negative feelings to your loved ones, they are much more likely to hide their feelings. Tip two: Do show them that you still care this one may seem obvious but often mental illness makes a person feel broken or somehow let down