What are the characteristics of a mentally healthy person?

Dr. Maxwell Maltz discovered that it takes 21 days for a habit to form no matter how fast you want results to come your brain will not cooperate

Don't resist the tides instead learn to love the process welcome failure and bad days and establish a healthy relationship with the change sick and tired of your bad habits.
 Here are  Some healthy behaviors:

 It has to say hi to your new best friend in the kitchen I didn't learn how to fully cook until I moved out with affordable fast food joints and restaurants everywhere we might be tempted to empty our pockets for that daily quick bite on the go.

 But you're actually hurting your savings in the long run, yeah research will be required on your end.

 You'll have to budget accordingly when you go grocery shopping but welcome to adulthood to make this experience less intimidating feel free to ask friends and family for recipe ideas and invite them to walk through the store aisles with you or have cooking sessions together.

 Who says this has to be a solitary activity to get your body moving work? 
It baby work it grab your sneakers headphones and gym shorts the busier our lives become the more we'll use excuses like ain't nobody got time for that.

 But let's be real if you have time to scroll endlessly through your Instagram then you have time to go for a jog even if it's as little as carving out 20 minutes a day to go on a walking exercise plays a big impact on your physical and mental health.

 Stay hydrated got to swap those fizzy drinks for a fruit smoothie or green tea instead. I used to find water bland boring and tasteless but here's a chance to be creative shake.

 It is up with some cucumber or fruit slices this will give you more vitamins your skin and body will be thankful for.

 If it helps invest in a cute water bottle or mug to encourage you to stay hydrated just some food for thought set a consistent bedtime schedule and raise your hand.

 Your sleep cycle not to mention this suppression can increase your risk of getting cancer.

 We're not trying to scare you but yeah the side effects are real indulge in a healthier sleep lifestyle and be consistent about it.

 Wake up at the same time every day but if you must use your phone make sure to put your phone on night mode to block out the harmful blue light map and prioritize.

 Your goals slow and steady wins the race create an inspiration board and pin pictures and quotes to it.

 That reflects the lifestyle you're striving for take a look at it every day to keep track of your progress and invest in a planner.

 A  bullet journal as well if it makes organizing more fun you might experience setbacks and fail times before you meet your goals.

 But the key thing is to adopt a resilient mindset and declutter all right you don't have to go all Murray condo when you do this but establishing a clean home and workspace can do wonders for your mood.

 Can boost your productivity make your everyday tasks less stressful and increase your overall happiness.

 Do a little bit of cleaning each week and throw away things you no longer want to hold on to anymore Stephen our lovely editor prefers to clean up three things before he leaves or enters our room it's a trick that makes cleaning approachable for him.

 Kind of like the chunking method and if it sparks your interest take a look into minimalism remember a clear space means a clear mind is hygienic.

 I promise I'm not a cheerleader then make sure to show your teeth hair and body some love seems like common sense right? 

If you're too tired to remove your makeup at the end of the day or don't floss as frequently as you should things will slowly build up over time.

 This will give you gross results like zits and cavities find beauty in the peculiar it's easy to take our everyday surroundings for granted maybe you lived in a cramped-up city and find nothing beautiful about it.

 When you have to sit next to a smelly old man on the subway or you're sick of all the trees and want to see more architecture.

Wherever you are take a moment to step back and find something you might have missed like catching the sunrise on the rooftop or raindrops hitting the pavement.

 You'd be surprised at what we're blind to daily exercise your mind's physical activity is only half the battle.

 Make sure to also give your brain some TLC some people don't like reading and that's okay but change your attitude towards learning and recognize.

 That there are alternative ways to gain knowledge a few ways you can do this is by reading random articles on a topic.

 Practice self-compassion haters go hate and that does not exclude yourself it's easy to pick at our flaws and insecurities after a bad day.

 But it's not gonna get you anywhere take a deep breath practice some positive mantras like yes you can or you got this and spend some time with close loved ones.

 Who reminds you of your true self worth you've got the potential now you just gotta nourish it what healthy behaviors do you want to start implementing in your life?


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