
Showing posts with the label Health Mental health Psychology

4 Art Therapies for Better Mental Health

Hey, and today I'll be writing about art therapy. I'll be going off the article 'Art Therapy' by Dancia Susilo Many people suffer from mental illnesses something that is commonly triggered by stress. People can spend from $360 to $2400 for a single mental illness additionally medicine can be harmful as there are side effects such as diabetes, and slow reproduction of brain cells. Thoughts of suicide and such there are other alternatives such as cognitive behavioral therapy. When, why, and how questions Art therapy on the other hand breaks out of that mold and doesn't require specific answers. It's a cheap and safe alternative to recovery or copes from mental illnesses since it doesn't compromise physiologic health factors art therapy comes in many forms One, the art in theatrical therapy, I mprovisation games give therapists a better understanding of what their patients are like. It also helps people go or act happy until they begin to feel better Two, da