6 Big Misconceptions about Mental Illness You Can Relate to

Who comes together every day with one goal in mind we want to make psychology come alive for you.

 All the cool rewards you can get from us we hope you enjoy this article people are often afraid of seeking treatment for their symptoms of mental health problems.

 Because they worry about how the rest of the world will perceive them well my boss rethink his decision of promoting me.

 Will I be a burden to my girlfriend all of my family and friends think of me these are all common questions that people fear as a result of seeking professional.

6 misleading conceptions about mental illness:

 Number One: You're either mentally ill or mentally healthy adapting this black or white mindset is what creates stigmas around mental illness in the first place.

 It is popularly believed that as long as there is no family history of mental illness then the individual is healthy and safe.

 But the biological factor only plays one role in external factors such as the environment and once upbringing can cause someone's mental health to spiral down it's also easy to hide behind a smile in people with a great career.

 Number Two: People with a mental illness are more likely to be violent the news often links school shootings or other violent incidents to mental illness although.

 Only 7.5% of crimes are linked to mental illness factors such as unemployment poverty and substance abuse are usually more common reasons.

 Why do people commit crimes this isn't acknowledged enough instead the public concentrates more on what people with mental illness are doing wrong instead of giving credit to what they accomplish every day.

 Number Three:  People with a mental illness can't hold down a job or maintain relationships this one is such a slap in the face although people with severe mental.

 The same does not apply to the majority of the population who have mental health conditions and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

 But by seeking therapy and practicing techniques the individual still holds the potential to get better and accomplish.

Number Four:  Everything can be fixed with medication although medication for disorders such as anxiety and depression can help it's not the only option for treatment.

 In fact, usually, medication alone is not enough to help the individual they may also need to seek psychotherapy which involves talk sessions with professional therapists joining support groups, or using self-help techniques.

 Such as meditation and breathing exercises depending on the side effects certain medications may not always help.

 It's important to talk to a doctor about your options and the right dosage that can benefit you the most.

 Number Five: people with a mental illness who contemplate or attempt suicide are attention seekers unfortunately many people suffer from a mental illness.

 Who enters a dark place and think about or attempt suicide are often looked down upon in society instead of providing them with emotional support or offering resources.

 That can help them people are too busy judging them for having problems rather than finding solutions as a result those with mental illnesses often suffer silently.

 Number Six: Mental illness is forever and defines who you are people with mental illness are often miss perceived to be weak but if an athlete is physical.


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